[C#] HashSet과 Dictionary 퍼포먼스 비교 본문
출처에 들어가면 모든 내용을 더 상세히 볼 수 있음.
Add 1000000 objects (without checking duplicates)
Contains check for half the objects of a collection of 10000
Remove half the objects of a collection of 10000
HashSet vs List vs Dictionary |
Out of curiosity after reading some articles on how the HashSet (introduced in .Net 3.5) class is more performant than the List class for set operations, I set about doing some experiments of my own to get a feel of just how much faster a HashSet is,
HashSet versus Dictionary<k, v=""> w.r.t searching time to find if an item exists</k,>
HashSet t = new HashSet(); // add 10 million items Dictionary<k, v=""> t = new Dictionary<k, v="">(); // add 10 million items. Whose .Contains method will return quicker? ...</k,></k,>
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